Monday, May 13, 2013

Invictus the poem ... by William Ernest Henley.

It is needless to say how moved I was by this poem, I looked it up right after class, shared it with my friends back home, posted it on instagram and tweeted it. 
The reason is that it has such a powerful meaning. Who among us did not face dark moments, and in those moments thought the dark tunnel will have no light at the end? Who among us didn't feel the suffocation around their soul during these moments? And then not only you read this poem, but you get to know that a man like Mandela (regardless of your political or personal opinion of him) who served 27 years locked behind bars did not allow the darkness to suffocate his unconquerable soul but managed to come out of this dark place and do good to his nation.

*Invictus, meaning "unconquerable" or "undefeated" in Latin, is a poem by William Ernest Henley. The poem was written while Henley was in the hospital being treated for tuberculosis of the bone, also known as Pott's disease. He had had the disease since he was very young, and his foot had been amputated shortly before he wrote the poem. This poem is about courage in the face of death, and holding on to one's own dignity despite the indignities life places before us. 


  1. "Though one may conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself" Buddha
    I totally agree we Dina. Despite all the barriers and constraint Mandela did not give up but remained stick to his objectives and values. He did not surrender but spent his time in jail with studying even though there was little chances to be released.
    I personally think that prison time turned positive to Mandela for the following reasons. First, before imprisonment he was aggressive, not-diplomatic and inexperienced. Studying and communcating with other prisoners made him more intelligent and clarified the path to his final aim.Secondly, without prison he could not understand his capabilities and the true value of freedom.
    Eventhough, by some reviews Mandela was not a perfect man to take example, he has strong character and determination - sometimes it is better to know only good things about good man to have them as an example.

  2. so you think being imprisoned has developed his character? how so? how do you suggest we do the same (i certainly do not want to spend any time behind bars)
